4 Ways to Enjoy Your Creamier Golden Waffles

The idea of our frozen Golden Waffles came as a response for you and your loved ones to enjoy the iconic Creamier waffles-and-ice-cream experience at home. Based on what we’ve been seeing, we’re really happy that you love them! By the way, our frozen Golden Waffles are an online store exclusive, and we replenish stocks … Continued


Pulut Hitam

One of our Throwback Flavours that is making a comeback in our shops is Pulut Hitam, a classic Peranakan dessert made with home-cooked black glutinous rice and coconut milk.

Ever had a Cake Tart?

What is a cake tart? The idea came up one day as we were brainstorming for a new warm product that would pair well with our ice creams,

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